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Corporate recruitment: emerging trends for 2023!

Emerging trends in corporate recruitment for 2023

In an ever-changing world, it’s essential to be able to reinvent yourself if you want to stand out from the competition. In this article, we take a look at the emerging trends in corporate recruitment for 2023.

emerging trends recruitment hr 2023

What is the outlook for the job market in 2023?

These past months, the rise of digital tools and artificial intelligence (AI) has encouraged companies to innovate in order to remain competitive in an ever-changing market. And the recruitment sector will be no exception!

In 2023, the outlook for the job market is expected to continue, with increased growth for IT and digitalisation-related occupations, as the digital transformation of industries continues to develop. Health and social care occupations should also remain in strong demand. On the other hand, the hotel, catering and tourism sectors still have trouble due to various travel restrictions.

According to the Adecco Analytics observatory, we expect 4.5 million new hired by 2023, despite the talent shortage. To combat this scourge, many companies have completely rethought their recruitment processes to attract, recruit and retain qualified candidates with the right skills.


Corporate recruitment trends: challenges and opportunities in the digital age

HR process automation and the use of artificial intelligence (AI)

New technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) can help companies with the day-to-day tasks they find time-consuming, but they can also be very useful in the field of recruitment. They enable companies to manage the process of recruiting a new member of staff more effectively and proactively.

Employers can make use of new technologies and AI to automate the posting of job vacancies on recruitment sites, analyse candidates’ CVs according to criteria predefined by the company, or carry out automated follow-up using an applicant tracking solution (ATS), which acts as a centralised data management platform.

Automating HR processes in the recruitment sector offers companies significant time savings, as well as significant financial savings. In 2023, the digital transformation of businesses will continue to grow, and the use of new technologies is a trend that will intensify over the coming years.

Corporate culture, values and brand image

The working world is changing, and candidates are no longer the only ones who have to make a good impression on employers. Faced with a landscape that combines recruitment difficulties with a shortage of talent, companies must use strategy to enhance their image in order to attract the best talent to their team.

These days, candidates are as attentive as they are demanding when it comes to their future workplace. In addition to the financial aspect, employees want to work with a company that aligns with their values through a shared vision. Companies, therefore, need to focus on their corporate culture, vision, and brand image, as well as think about a strong, coherent, and attractive employer value proposition (EVP).

As a result, the company will be able to attract qualified profiles, retain its current employees, and improve its reputation and employer brand image, while standing out from its competitors.

The applicant’s experience

Companies need to pay particular attention to the candidate’s experience during the recruitment phase. First impressions are crucial to your company’s image.

Offering a positive applicant experience allows you to improve your brand’s reputation not only with your (future) employees and your current employees but also with people outside the company who are likely to hear about your recruitment policy. In the future, this can help to attract qualified and talented profiles.

Furthermore, candidates who have had a positive experience during the recruitment process are more likely to become committed, productive employees who are invested in the life of the company, thereby contributing to its success. Finally, a positive candidate experience helps you to reduce recruitment costs. New employees will be more motivated to accept a job offer with a company that has a dynamic, strong, and committed policy.

Soft skills rather than diplomas

In 2023, to overcome recruitment difficulties and the shortage of talent, companies will be focusing on a broader recruitment strategy, promoting diversity and inclusion through “soft skills”.

Soft skills are behavioral competencies (analytical thinking, leadership, emotional intelligence, creativity, stress management, complex problem solving, etc.) acquired outside the classroom. Until now, the diploma culture has been omnipresent in companies. Employers are now more flexible about the educational background of candidates, in favor of behavioral skills, which are just as important.

Welcoming candidates with a wide range of skills into the team offers the company a number of advantages:

  • Boost creativity by feeding off each other’s ideas;
  • Greater ability to solve problems;
  • Improve the company’s overall performance;
  • Delivering a better customer experience;

Candidates, for their part, will need to be part of a continuous learning process to improve their employability and meet the challenges of the future job market.

Recruitment and remote working

Recruitment and remote working have grown strongly over the three years of the health crisis. And this trend should more or less stabilise, supported by the emergence of digital tools.

Some companies have already struck a balance between those that adopt 100% teleworking, those that alternate between face-to-face and remote working, and those that leave the choice to their employees. At present, employees are tending to turn to companies with a more flexible working policy, in order to combine their personal and professional lives.

What’s more, according to a study carried out by Malakoff Humanis, 55% of teleworking employees say they feel more efficient and productive than when they are in the office. This, in turn, helps to improve the company’s performance and profitability. So, if you are hoping to attract the best talent, think about incorporating this new form of working into your policy, which will undoubtedly grow in importance over the next few years.

Social media and digital platforms

For companies, social networks are a real opportunity to promote their employer brand and to find that rare gem. The emergence of social networks gives companies greater visibility, enabling them to reach a wider audience, and therefore potentially talented candidates.

The multitude of functions available on social networks (advanced search, filtering system, hashtags, advertising, recommendations, etc.) also enables them to pre-select profiles with the necessary skills, experience, and qualifications required by the company.

At the same time, online recruitment platforms (job boards, job boards) continue to be very popular with employers. What’s more, the artificial intelligence technologies that have recently arrived on the market can help find that rare pearl.

Onboarding: an essential recruitment process for retaining talent

The integration process, also known as “onboarding”, is a set of actions implemented to welcome a new employee to an organisation.

For companies, implementing an onboarding process is a crucial step in perfecting their employer image and developing new recruits’ sense of belonging and commitment. Did you know? A new employee who has benefited from a complete onboarding process is 58% more likely to stay with the company (Source of information: Workelo).

Today, more and more recruiters are becoming aware of the importance of onboarding in attracting and retaining talent over the long term. In 2023, onboarding is seen as a genuine performance driver that continues to develop through increasingly early, personalised and comprehensive induction programs.

What’s more, with the rise of digital technology, companies have a wide range of tools at their disposal to offer their new employees a more immersive, fun and engaging induction process (collaboration platform, virtual or augmented reality training, chatbot, etc.).