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Artificial intelligence and its impact on Digital Learning

Artificial intelligence has been changing the way teachers work for some time now. While it is now present in many fields, it is making a remarkable entry into vocational learning and training. Can we talk about the influence of artificial intelligence, and is it really improving the learning experience? Let’s take a look.

What is artificial intelligence?

Before looking in more detail at the influence of AI in vocational training, let’s take a moment to understand how it works and what it means, which is sometimes difficult to grasp.

It is often compared to a machine with similarities to the human brain. Fortunately, we are still a long way from that. Although AI is increasingly present in our daily lives, it can be defined as a technology based on scientific data and working with powerful algorithms. It reproduces certain behaviours usually reserved for humans, such as reasoning, planning, analysis and creativity.

Does AI have limits?

Artificial intelligence clearly has its own systems and technologies, but also its own limitations. Today, it is incapable of performing tasks until it has learned them. In other words, while it is extremely powerful, it does not exceed the capacity of the human brain and still makes mistakes.

The application of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence will undoubtedly continue to develop technologically, and will increasingly focus on personalised assistance, particularly in vocational training, apprenticeships and education.

To mimic human intelligence, AI relies on high-quality algorithms executed by a supercomputer that has :

  • A high-performance IT system;
  • Integrated data with a management system ;
  • Artificial intelligence algorithms corresponding to advanced coding.

All of this can be integrated into a wide range of applications, including training and learning. Often used in e-learning, AI assists teachers and students in their learning. It also helps human resources teams to offer more personalised training.

The impact of artificial intelligence on digital learning

You may be wondering about the impact of AI on professional training. AI is generally used in digital learning and distance professional training, since these are entirely dematerialised.

By making the subjects studied more dynamic, AI improves the learning experience. It provides :

  • Smoother IT support;
  • More intuitive navigation in the learning software;
  • Faster response to assessments;
  • Optimised adaptation to skills ;
  • A more detailed analysis.

In a professional world where it is vital to adapt training to the skills to be acquired, artificial intelligence is bringing its share of innovations. It enables employees to take advantage of this new way of learning to develop their skills in greater depth, in line with their professional activity.

The contribution of artificial intelligence to traditional training courses

If we look at current training courses, i.e. those without artificial intelligence, companies often complain that some e-learning software lacks pedagogical content.

They are often criticised for having a rigid framework that does not allow the learner to express themselves, which has the effect of limiting their commitment. In order to update their skills, employees have to use different software programmes with their own operating methods. The result is wasted time and reduced personal involvement in the training in progress.

The arrival of machine learning in training

Artificial intelligence makes up for the limited commitment of traditional training thanks to machine learning, which enables the computer to learn for itself. It can then offer relevant, high-quality content that is genuinely useful to the learner. In this way, training can be tailored to the individual student by personalising the content offered on the basis of previously recorded responses.

Definition of machine learning

Machine learning involves giving a computer the ability to learn on its own according to the data and mathematical model it contains. This gives it the ability to develop its algorithm independently and, as a result, to provide more resources to the learner. Machine learning is therefore one of the components of the vast world of artificial intelligence.

Machine learning and learning verification

Machine learning makes tests and quizzes more relevant, including those carried out during the course. Above all, they are better suited to professional training and validate the learner’s learning progress as they go along.

What’s more, the integrated tools provide an immediate view of progress, and everyone can consult a complete dashboard in real time to see what they’ve achieved.

Supporting learners through machine learning

But machine learning doesn’t stop there! It is possible to integrate an individual virtual coach to respond to certain requests and act as a guide throughout the course. Of course, collaborative tools such as Microsoft Teams or Slack can be linked to the training and/or used to put real questions to a teacher.

Helping you to remember the course

Our brains are capable of memorising a great deal of information. But the sheer volume of content and fatigue can make it difficult to integrate some of the training we have received. Some people also have the feeling that they have learned nothing or know nothing after a day of traditional training.

The strength of artificial intelligence lies in improving what is known as memory anchoring, which enables us to retain what we have learnt and thus improve our skills.

Ongoing revision

It does this by systematically revising what has already been taught, by regularly repeating what has been seen previously until it is fully integrated. In this way, AI is able to expose the learner to a given situation so that the model taught is fully acquired. These top-of-the-range revision programmes provide periodic training. This is referred to as a “recovery experience”, which highlights particularly difficult points.

A short review of a particular point

AI is also interested in the new concepts raised during training. The aim here is to check that the proposed content has been assimilated. This means supporting the learner right up to the end of the course, and sometimes even afterwards, by offering a short review to validate the previous knowledge acquired.

Cross-disciplinary assimilation

It’s not always easy to apply the knowledge acquired during training to everyday professional life. Artificial intelligence has the ability to verify what has been learned across the board, by linking certain older skills to those acquired more recently.

The relationship between artificial intelligence and learners

Artificial intelligence has recently entered the world of training. It is profoundly changing the approach between traditional online teaching and more personalised support via AI.

Training modules using artificial intelligence are often more popular with employees, enabling them to make the tools available to them their own. Nevertheless, the Lefebvre Dalloz Compétence 2024 Professional Training Barometer shows that companies and their employees are still not very convinced of the benefits of artificial intelligence in professional training.

Why is this? Because of a lack of awareness of the many advantages of AI and a still limited understanding of how it works. It is sometimes difficult to understand that a computer can now learn by itself.

Although 64% of managers and training managers currently have confidence in artificial intelligence, a third still doubt its ability to support them in their day-to-day work.

Why choose an artificial intelligence course?

After defining artificial intelligence and looking at machine learning as it applies to vocational training, we have come to the following conclusion:

  • Most employees want genuinely individualised training;
  • Human resources managers say they find it difficult to offer apprenticeships that meet their expectations.

Today, the solution lies in training that incorporates artificial intelligence, making it possible to suggest practical, fun training courses to employees, for a high-level learning experience.

Through continuous machine learning and genuinely personalised learner support, artificial intelligence is also available to teachers. Teachers see it as a way of simplifying the creation of their training courses by :

  • Interactive and attractive educational content;
  • Intuitive design assistance ;
  • More effective test and quiz tools;
  • AI-powered revision sessions
  • An ability to analyse the level achieved.

AI and training pathways

Artificial intelligence is now seen as a new educational resource, because of its ability to give each employee autonomy in their professional training. The challenges of training are such that access to these resources must be facilitated at every level of the company.

Studies show that preserving human capital through training helps to limit staff turnover and keep companies more competitive. The use of artificial intelligence in continuing professional training is therefore more than recommended these days. Training centres have understood this and are already incorporating it into their teaching programmes.