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7 Tips for Using LMS for Better Training Experience

Discover our 7 Tips for Using LMS for Better Training Experience.

Business growth and success depend heavily on the people working in it. Hence, more and more organizations are starting to see the importance of employee training. These supplementary learnings can enrich their skills and abilities, greatly benefiting your company in the long run.

Hence, 43% of companies are looking for ways on how to improve training sessions. Most of them invest in effective learning management systems (LMS) to enhance their employees’ learning experience.

LMS are software applications that can help you manage courses and modules for training. You can use it to administer and monitor the training. Most importantly, it digitizes training materials for easier access and implementation.

There are many benefits to using LMS compared to traditional methods of training. So, take advantage of what it offers and check out these tips for optimizing LMS for better training experience for you and your employees.

  1. Personalize learning experience

There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all method when it comes to learning. Everyone has their own study habits and pace. What works for one might not work for someone else. With that, you have to be able to adapt to your employees’ learning needs and capabilities.

Hence, one of the best suggestions to improve training effectiveness is to provide a flexible learning system for your employees. You can do this by using the features of a learning management system to improve training.

Compared to traditional methods, LMS offers a wide range of options on how you can implement your training. It connects your courses or modules online for easier and convenient access to your employees. Likewise, it also allows for offline learning when needed. This way, your employees can learn at the best time, pacing, and place that will be most conducive for training.

  1. Promote social learning

Studying has to be engaging to avoid employees neglecting their training. It can be a bore, especially if they are doing it alone. Fortunately, LMS provides you tools to foster and promote social learning during employee training. This can supplement both face-to-face sessions and online courses.

With LMS, you can create a virtual classroom where your employees can share training materials, best practices, and study habits with each other. You can have a dashboard where they can communicate with one another, post their achievements, and comment on each other.

This results in teamwork and collaboration among your employees as they share learning resources and tips. It can also create a friendly competitive atmosphere that can push them to perform well in their training.

  1. Monitor employees’ progress

According to a study by Pearson, 67% of trainers remain skeptical on the effectiveness of digital learning. After all, the internet provides many distractions. Learners can easily get sidetracked once they get sucked into the web.

Thus, a part of these training suggestions for employees is to take advantage of progress trackers that LMS usually provides. This lets monitor your employees’ performance and results during training. It automatically evaluates and measures their receptiveness through scoring, ranking, and awarding.

With this, you can measure your training’s effectiveness and check whether or not your employees are benefiting from it as well. This can also motivate your employees to work harder and perform better once they see their own progress during training.

  1. Customize training content

Every business has its own requirements when it comes to their employees’ skills and abilities. The type of training you will need for your organization might be different from the others.

LMS can give you that freedom to customize your own courses or modules and create compelling and unique training content for your employees. You can build one from scratch, letting you decide what essential skills your company needs to prioritize. Unlike hiring third-party services, they come with a pre-packaged module that might not even fit your business’ needs.

Having control over content allows you to train your employees most effectively and efficiently possible. It helps develop training programs appropriate for the industry you’re in and cultivate the set of skills and values that your business needs to grow.

  1. Optimize multi platform capabilities

Nowadays, people tend to use multiple devices all at once. You will often see them close their laptops only to move on to their smartphones or tablets to continue their activities from there. And thanks to the internet, it is so easy and seamless to transition from one device to another.

You can take advantage of this flexibility through LMS. By digitizing your training, you can make your content accessible through multiple platforms. This gives your employees more options on how and where they can take their training without looking for specific hardware to accommodate the sessions.

With just their mobile phones, they can start learning anytime and anywhere. This can save up time and cost for training since the course materials are just a few clicks away. Most importantly, it allows your employees to further personalize their training experience and find the most conducive way to learn.

  1. Leverage data

Businesses are becoming more and more data-driven. Software solutions have made it easier and faster to mine and analyze data from every aspect of your business processes.

Similarly, there are valuable information and insights that you can extract from your training sessions with your employees. This includes your employees’ strengths and weaknesses, the skills that you need to focus on, and what aspects of training could be improved.


By leveraging data, you can make your training more effective and fruitful in the long run. Your LMS will gather, analyze, and generate reports for you. And in turn, you can use these insights for your plans and strategies in the future.

  1. Integrate where you can

Businesses use different systems to manage different aspects of their operations, making it important for your LMS software to work well with the rest of your systems.

Integrating your LMS software with third-party solutions can help enhance your training experience. It gives you access to more tools and functions that are beyond what your current software provides. For example, you can integrate your LMS software with your HR software so that you can seamlessly move data back and forth between the two software programs.

There are other ways to integrate your LMS software to get the most out of it. With the right software, you can use your LMS for onboarding, legal and compliance, auditing, and performance evaluation. You can check out some learning management system comparison guides to figure out which ones would work well with your other software.

Never too late to learn

Employees are businesses’ most important assets. Thus, it is of your best interest to bring out the best in them. You can do this by investing in the best LMS software to improve your employee training sessions. It does not only benefit your employees but your company as well.  

Don’t get behind with the times and start optimizing your training using the different tools that an LMS software provides. It might just be what you need to discover new potentials from each of your employees and to push them to perform better within your organization.

To start, you can explore the features of MOS Chorus. It offers integrated modules for you to develop an adaptive learning environment for your organization.